intellectt eye candy

"Awaken to darkness on this place we call Earth, One vampire's bite brings another one's birth. A vampire wakes with blood thirsty needs On the warm rich sensation he feels when he feeds. He stalks in the night like a disatrous beast, And what once was alive will soon be deceased. So when the last bit of sunlight disappears from the sky, You better watch out unless you want to die." -Victoria Boatwright. bold italic link
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Sunday, May 23, 2010,9:30 AM
Senior Project

This is the first thing I have ever sew before, I made it for my mother for mother's day. Click on the image to see it bigger. I love the design of this pattern, it's crazy and colorful. I can't believe this is the first project I have ever done. It was for a school project and that is what made me realize how much I love to sew. My mother loved the quilt I made for her, I never gave her something as pretty as that for mother's day. If you would love the pattern for it, please feel free to email me at and I will give it to for.


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May 2010
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